Heat relay

In our difficult times, attention to the problems of others is of particular importance. No wonder this year the motto of the entire Kazakh society is "BizBirgemiz" – "We are together". Everyone tries not to stay away and does everything possible so that no one is left with their problems alone.
Heat relay

So the guards of our city provided a poor family with coal. This family was identified by district inspectors of the Tekeli police Department during the operational and preventive event "Plot". They drew attention to the lack of heat in the house and the presence of small children, the youngest of whom recently turned seven. 39-year-old single mother, raising four children, was in an extremely difficult situation. It was cold, and she didn't have enough money to buy coal. After discussing the situation at the General meeting, they decided to provide financial assistance to this family. 5 tons of coal were brought and unloaded in the yard of the house. The woman sincerely thanked them for their care and warmth given to the children.
The police brought another 5 tons as charity aid to our mosque.

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