Young people adapt to business

People who come to the Social Beauty Salon "Ayia" of Shyngyskhan Mukhamadi, who received a grant from the project "Zhas Project" for the development of the youth corps, are satisfied. Especially mothers with many children express their gratitude.
Young people adapt to business

The joint project of the Ministry of education and science and the World Bank "Zhas Project" has been implemented in our country since 2017. That is, 1 million tenge was allocated for the best social projects of young the amount of tenge, funds will be provided free of charge. At least 3 people participate in the project together with young people. For 6 months, they provide free services to the population, get used to the profession, and gain experience in social projects. During this period, she receives a monthly benefit from 40 to 60 thousand tenge. After the deadline, the group's personal property will be the business equipment purchased with grant funds. Our Shyngyskhan is one of the young people who aspires to entrepreneurship, using good project programs that allow young people to engage in various professions. Now there are not many people who come to his social fashion salon.
Gulnur Kaliakparova, one of the members of the project, who was born together with Shyngyskhan, says::
"I support my brother's enthusiasm for life and help him engage in his business. Another participant of our project Asem Kanapyanova and I are engaged in hair production, and two more people are engaged in the production of eyebrows, eyelashes and nails. There are a lot of visitors here, so far we have provided free services to more than 50 people. Many of them are children from large families who come for haircuts.
All works are carried out on the basis of the necessary sanitary requirements. So, recipients of services are registered by phone and come only at the specified time, they do not wait here.
Shyngyskhan plans to continue providing free services to people with disabilities after the end of the 6-month deadline set by the project. That is, we will visit and provide services to the families of those who cannot move independently."
Our present life and future are intertwined with the principles of a market economy. And the market is a world of hard-working, viable, and passionate people. Through real competition, it leads people to art, knowledge, elevates and transforms society. Our young people, who are able to feel, behave, adapt to this, use the programs of state and international financial organizations to support business, through entrepreneurship, to make themselves and their families better.

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