How to effectively build a working day at a remote job, if the family and children are at home

In the context of the global COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, many employees were sent by employers to work remotely. This is due to a reduced risk of infection in public transport and in crowded areas, which are offices. There is a separate category of employees called freelancers. They are already used to home-based work, without any problems they are engaged in independent organization of the process. But for those who are used to the usual routine, interaction with colleagues and even a chair, it is extremely difficult to get used to the children running around and the lack of necessary tools.
How to effectively build a working day at a remote job, if the family and children are at home

In this article, readers will be able to get the most effective recommendations from Do not despair, because the modern world with its mobile connection and access to the world Wide web gives unlimited opportunities.
Five essential steps
1. Workplace ergonomics
Here you need to be a little selfish, taking the best table and chair. You can decorate children's drawings in the kitchen, and the main labor force and source of income should be given way. Close the sources of unnecessary light, use an adjustable lamp with uniform illumination at dusk. Elbows should not hang from the countertop, otherwise the shoulders and shoulder girdle will be very sore. As you work at home, gradually adjust the parameters, do not tolerate inconvenience. It is not known how long the quarantine will last, and during this period you can get problems with your vision or back.
The ideal option is to work in a separate room, but not everyone has such living conditions. Pull up curtains and put up screens, but the presence of someone nearby should not distract.
2. Collect working tools
Everything you need should be at hand. Drawing supplies, relevant documentation, books, disks with computer programs. Any departure from the workplace can automatically distract. None of the family members will think about the fact that the house is now a real work process. You need to be less distracted by solving tasks in stages. The less waste from the chair, the better. Pencils should be sharpened, the phone is charged, and a glass of water, or better yet, a bottle, should stand next to it.
3. Building productivity
Here you need to break the problem into its component parts, and then solve each of them sequentially. Without self-control, you can't figure it out. Let's give an example of thinking :
" I have almost done this stage, it is necessary a little more, and I will be able to get up. Already done. I wonder what's in the next part? I'll set everything up, set it up for work, and then go away. Or maybe make a small fragment to make it easier later? Yes, I'll do it."
So you can not notice how eight hours will fly by in half the amount of time. It is necessary to constantly be a driving force and a driver in one person. There's more "can't" than " can." If you don't pull yourself together, your plans will be thwarted. If you are tired, no one bothers to go to sleep in the afternoon to recuperate.
4. Adjust the psychological aspects
Psychologists advise you to constantly praise and encourage yourself during grueling homework. I made 50%, and this is already half. And 51% is already more than half, and then start the countdown. You can not call the work boring, unpleasant or uninteresting, constantly complain about the large volume. Promise yourself a certain reward at the end of the day, such as watching a movie, and then, while enjoying it, repeat that you really deserve it. It is extremely difficult to evaluate your own contribution, ask someone from your family, wife, husband or adult child to do it.
5. Enter an effective schedule
You should not break the old regime. If you are used to getting up at 7 am to have time to get to your usual place of work, then do not lose this ability. It's easy to spoil yourself and then start waking up closer to lunch. It will be extremely difficult to return to the usual system. It is necessary to accurately regulate the lunch break, as well as accurately think through the breaks and activities for these periods of time. You can water the flowers, just look out the window or do a little warm-up. But do not be distracted by movies or social networking, it can drag on for hours.
It is desirable for each type of work to provide an approximate deadline for execution. To do this, you need to plan the next working day every evening. If it was possible to do it faster, then this should be considered as an advantage. And even if in the conditions of quarantine it will not be possible to go outside, but you can use this time usefully. What is usually spent on the road, you can add up to a single package, and add +2 hours daily. And it turns out that in 4 days we spend 8 hours of road time spending and squeeze the same amount out of the extended daily time. In total, a five-day working week can be closed in three days. If the authorities allow it. Or just raise your salary.
Major stumbling blocks
Those who try to create a working atmosphere at home most often complain about a number of inconveniences. Let's consider how to overcome them most effectively:
* Children and pets. You can explain everything to a child, but you can't do it to a cat lying on the keyboard. With the kids, you need to conduct a preventive conversation. One of the best ways is to fully immerse yourself in the loud music you love on your headphones, and then just ignore the requests. In 3-5 days, everyone will get used to such an environment.
* The temptation to go for a smoke break or drink tea. Here you will need to set strict prohibitions for yourself. The smartphone timer will help you do this. Before the call, it is forbidden to go anywhere. Lunch break can be adjusted for the whole family, and drinking coffee is easily transferred to the desktop.
* Rapid fatigue. It is caused by laziness, an uncomfortable chair and monotonous work against the background of the sounds of the house. Headphones and music will also help.
* Constant distraction to people walking around. Here it is better to use a screen or put a partition. Let it be even a piece of a large cardboard box, but moving objects should not fall into the field of view.
* Low labor efficiency. To eliminate it, you need to compare the process in the office and at home, and then draw appropriate conclusions. Insufficient number of computer programs, uncomfortable chair. Or is it possible that it's just a desire to watch your favorite videos? What you can do in 8 hours is easily stretched to 12-14. These are questions about your own organization. It is necessary to ask yourself questions, scold yourself inside, divide yourself into a boss and a subordinate.
Incomparable benefits
When everything is set up and debugged, and the authorities no longer doubt the effectiveness of remote work, you can switch to this mode in cases of extreme necessity. Outside of a pandemic, a seasonal disease may come, but experience will allow you to switch to home-based mode in any force majeure circumstances.
In developed countries, employees who are on the verge of stress can be forced by the employer to work in a home environment. Houses, as you know, and walls help, as stated in the famous saying.
Also, before we start working in this mode, we do not suspect to what extent each of us is disorganized. Self-discipline and compliance with the rules will be useful, they will allow you to activate self-control. And this is already a step to your own business or start working as a freelance specialist.

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